Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page

Not planned

User-Defined Buttons:

Shared 24 Dec 2013 15:37:05
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24 Dec 2013 15:37:05 Peter Piper posted:
It would be extremely useful if the HTML Editor provided a feature that allowed adding one or more customizeable buttons to its interface. Here's why: Whether you're programming in PHP or ASP, you will need some kind of submit button that executes code which takes the contents of the textarea used by the editor and further process it, such as adding it to a database, etc. Now normally, a submit button would be added to the page where the editor is on, however such a button is outside the editor itself and if you click the Full-Page button on the editors interface the editor appears as a full-screen layout and any other buttons (or fields) on your page do not appear - so if your editor is in full-screen mode you can't access any other buttons or fields on the page. Another reason to have user-defined buttons would be to add a 'Preview' button to the editors interface - something that the current version of the editor does not have for some reason. Custom Button Strip: Associated with the ability to add custom buttons would be the ability to add a button strip to the editor which could hold the user-defined buttons. Some of the other HTML editors out there, such as CKEdit and TinyMCE, provide these customization capabilities though they are not easily or readily accomplished. If this feature is implemented in a future version, it should provide the ability to: a) define the text that appears on the button, b) have a field for entry of the code (probably an empty JavaScript function that appears within the page with the editor) that is executed when the button is clicked, 3) and last these buttons should take on the skin or color that is set for the editor. Please consider this additional feature (User defined buttons). Thanks.


Replied 06 Jan 2014 12:04:17
06 Jan 2014 12:04:17 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Peter,
Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately currently there are no plans for adding custom buttons option. Also the editor content is being submitted only when the form is submitted.

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