Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page



Asked 11 Nov 2013 16:48:40
has this question
11 Nov 2013 16:48:40 David Sutherland posted:
is this product similar to cushycms ?
i.e. my cients will be able to edit and update the HTML directly, but they cannot create a new page, correct?


Replied 11 Nov 2013 16:53:03
11 Nov 2013 16:53:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David - is your question related to Advanced HTML Editor 3 or to the Online Page Editor Add-on?
Replied 11 Nov 2013 20:17:01
11 Nov 2013 20:17:01 David Sutherland replied:
maybe both? it looks like they work together. i need a good solution to
replace cushycms, thanks for your help.
Replied 12 Nov 2013 10:00:48
12 Nov 2013 10:00:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Advanced HTML Editor 3, as its name says is an HTML Editor - it is used to style the text entered into it. You can use it in your custom build CMS in order to insert or update styled text into your database. It has several add ons like Image Gallery, File Manager, Slideshow that can be purchased and enabled in it.
Online Page Editor Add-on is an add on for the Advanced HTML Editor 3 that enables you to edit static(non-dynamic,non-database driven) html pages. There you define which area of the page is editable and setup a username/password for the users to login and edit the content. Using Online Page Editor Add-on you can also enable the other add-ons (that i already mentioned). You cannot create new pages using the Online Page Editor as it works on the pages that you already created in DW.
Replied 19 Dec 2023 10:37:21
19 Dec 2023 10:37:21 Weatherwax Brent replied:
While I don't have specific information on every product or service available, I can provide some general insights. CushyCMS and Smash Karts are two entirely different types of products with distinct purposes.

CushyCMS is a content management system (CMS) designed to simplify the process of editing and updating website content. It allows clients to make changes to the existing content within predefined regions of a website using a user-friendly interface. Clients can edit text, images, and other elements without directly accessing or modifying the HTML code. However, CushyCMS typically does not provide the ability to create entirely new pages or modify the site's structure.

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