Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page
Odd £ Problem
Asked 04 Jul 2013 21:23:47
has this question
04 Jul 2013 21:23:47 David King posted:
Been using the HTML editor for some time but am having problems inserting the £ sign in HTML code which translates to £.Even though I insert the proper HTML $pound;, it reverts back to the £ sign and therefore does not render properly.
Any ideas?
Replied 05 Jul 2013 07:57:39
05 Jul 2013 07:57:39 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello David,
where do you place the £ code?
where do you place the £ code?
Replied 05 Jul 2013 08:11:45
05 Jul 2013 08:11:45 David King replied:
Tried both ways, in the code and within the GUI using the drop down from the menu bar.
As I switch between the GUI and the code, it just reverts back to the £ sign and drops the £.
I tried with other extended characters, and it preserves the HTML format as expected.
Very odd.
Tried both ways, in the code and within the GUI using the drop down from the menu bar.
As I switch between the GUI and the code, it just reverts back to the £ sign and drops the £.
I tried with other extended characters, and it preserves the HTML format as expected.
Very odd.
Replied 06 Jul 2013 01:39:15
06 Jul 2013 01:39:15 David King replied:
I fixed the problem.
The html pound was missing from dmxeditor.min.js.
I have amended as below and all works fine now.
Va={163:"£",160:" ",169:"©",172:"¬",174:"®",178:"²",179:"³",710:"™",732:"˜",8211:"–",8212:"—",8216:"‘",8217:"’",8220:"“",8221:"”",8224:"†",8225:"‡",8226:"•",8242:"′",8243:"″",8249:"‹",8250:"›",8364:"€",8482:"™",8592:"←",8593:"↑",8594:"→",8595:"↓",8596:"↔",9674:"◊",9824:"♠",9827:"♣",9829:"♥",9830:"♦"},ab={16:"SHIFT",17:"CTRL",
The html pound was missing from dmxeditor.min.js.
I have amended as below and all works fine now.
Va={163:"£",160:" ",169:"©",172:"¬",174:"®",178:"²",179:"³",710:"™",732:"˜",8211:"–",8212:"—",8216:"‘",8217:"’",8220:"“",8221:"”",8224:"†",8225:"‡",8226:"•",8242:"′",8243:"″",8249:"‹",8250:"›",8364:"€",8482:"™",8592:"←",8593:"↑",8594:"→",8595:"↓",8596:"↔",9674:"◊",9824:"♠",9827:"♣",9829:"♥",9830:"♦"},ab={16:"SHIFT",17:"CTRL",
Replied 08 Jul 2013 09:51:49
08 Jul 2013 09:51:49 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello David,
Thank you for the follow up.
Will see to add this in the next version update.
Thank you for the follow up.
Will see to add this in the next version update.