Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page

Extra br tag in p tag

Asked 22 Apr 2013 21:41:49
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22 Apr 2013 21:41:49 Foster Brovan posted:
Advanced HTML Editor 3
DW 5.5 on PC
I am getting a extra br tag in my P tag a P tag should only be a p tag not with an extra br tag in it?

Here is an example:

<p> <b>Trinity River Flows and conditions: </b>Trinity Lake is 19.1ft. (0.3ft decrease) below the overflow and 87.6% of capacity (4% increase) at 2:00PM today. Inflow to the lake was 1,887cfs and dam releases are 2,600cfs+ to Lewiston Lake with 1,646cfs going to Whiskeytown Lake and then on to the Sacramento River at Keswick. 
 <br /> 
<p> <b>Trinity River: </b>Lewiston Dam releases are 955cfs water temps 50, air is 74 degrees. Limekiln Gulch is 5.1ft at 493cfs. Indian Creek Lodge estimated at 514cfs. Douglas City is 6.3ft at 523cfs, water temps 53.4 air is 76, Junction City is 1.9ft at 540cfs. Helena is 9.7ft at 750cfs with water at 54.8. Cedar Flat is 4.3ft at 1,190cfs. Willow Creek is estimated at 1,843cfs, air 78, and water 00. Hoopa is 14.3ft at 2,870cfs, water temps 57 degrees. Mouth of the Trinity at the Klamath is 9,440 cfs. 
<p> <b>Klamath:</b> Iron Gate Dam releases are 1,220cfs. Seiad Valley is 3.7ft at 2,520cfs. Happy Camp estimated at 2,924cfs. Somes Bar estimated at 4,720cfs. Orleans is 6.6ft at 6,570cfs. Klamath at 101 is 12.2ft at 12.2K cfs &amp; water temps of 55.8 degrees. Smith River is 7.9.ft at 1,860cfs. 
 <br /> 

See the extra br tag near the closing p tag.
How do I stop the Editor 3 stop adding the extra br tag

Thank you Foster


Replied 23 Apr 2013 08:25:56
23 Apr 2013 08:25:56 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Foster.

Can you please open the Advanced HTML Editor 3 User interface.
Go to "General" Tab. Find the "Enter Handling:" dropdown menu under "Formatting" Section and select "P Tag" from the available options.
Save and test again your page.

Regards: Vulcho.

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