Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page

browse doesn't work with IE10

Asked 16 Apr 2013 17:46:24
has this question
16 Apr 2013 17:46:24 phil vouers posted:
anyone have this problem with IE10, when you ht the image button and then upload, browsing your computer doesn't work.. same problem with filemanager add on and can't drag and drop into it.
It seems to be just IE10 because we have all functions using google chrome.


Replied 17 Apr 2013 06:28:54
17 Apr 2013 06:28:54 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Can you try to double click on the file manager upload icon ?

Replied 17 Apr 2013 12:18:35
17 Apr 2013 12:18:35 phil vouers replied:
did a double click but still nothing - hard for me to test because I don't have IE10 - this happened when I was showing my customer how to use the database and add photos. We use file uploads without html3 in other areas of the database and all is well there. It is only html3 and IE10(maybe his IE10) We did set his IE10 to default settings but that didn't help. I left him with having to use google chrome to do his work.. didn't like to do that though.
Replied 18 Apr 2013 06:52:17
18 Apr 2013 06:52:17 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Can you provide me with link to the problem page where i can inspect your code?

Replied 18 Apr 2013 11:40:55
18 Apr 2013 11:40:55 phil vouers replied:
here's the code for the page

<?php require_once('../Connections/connWHITE.php'); ?>
<?php require_once("../WA_DataAssist/WA_AppBuilder_PHP.php"; ?>
if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString") {
function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = ""
$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;

$theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string" ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

switch ($theType) {
case "text":
$theValue = ($theValue != "" ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
case "long":
case "int":
$theValue = ($theValue != "" ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
case "double":
$theValue = ($theValue != "" ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL";
case "date":
$theValue = ($theValue != "" ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
case "defined":
$theValue = ($theValue != "" ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
return $theValue;
$ParampageID_WADApages = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['pageID'])) {
$ParampageID_WADApages = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['pageID'] : addslashes($_GET['pageID']);
mysql_select_db($database_connWHITE, $connWHITE);
$query_WADApages = sprintf("SELECT pageID, active, pagename, head1, head2, content FROM pages WHERE pageID = %s", GetSQLValueString($ParampageID_WADApages, "int");
$WADApages = mysql_query($query_WADApages, $connWHITE) or die(mysql_error());
$row_WADApages = mysql_fetch_assoc($WADApages);
$totalRows_WADApages = mysql_num_rows($WADApages);?>
// WA Application Builder Update
if (isset($_POST["Update_x"])) // Trigger
$WA_connection = $connWHITE;
$WA_table = "pages";
$WA_redirectURL = "pages_Detail.php?pageID=".((isset($_POST["WADAUpdateRecordID"]))?$_POST["WADAUpdateRecordID"]:"" ."";
$WA_keepQueryString = false;
$WA_indexField = "pageID";
$WA_fieldNamesStr = "active|pagename|head1|head2|content";
$WA_fieldValuesStr = "".((isset($_POST["active"]))?$_POST["active"]:"" ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["hiddenField"]))?$_POST["hiddenField"]:"" ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["head1"]))?$_POST["head1"]:"" ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["head2"]))?$_POST["head2"]:"" ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["content"]))?$_POST["content"]:"" ."";
$WA_columnTypesStr = "none,none,NULL|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''|',none,''";
$WA_comparisonStr = "=|=|=|=|=";
$WA_fieldNames = explode("|", $WA_fieldNamesStr);
$WA_fieldValues = explode("|", $WA_fieldValuesStr);
$WA_columns = explode("|", $WA_columnTypesStr);

$WA_where_fieldValuesStr = "".((isset($_POST["WADAUpdateRecordID"]))?$_POST["WADAUpdateRecordID"]:"" ."";
$WA_where_columnTypesStr = "none,none,NULL";
$WA_where_comparisonStr = "=";
$WA_where_fieldNames = explode("|", $WA_indexField);
$WA_where_fieldValues = explode("|", $WA_where_fieldValuesStr);
$WA_where_columns = explode("|", $WA_where_columnTypesStr);
$WA_where_comparisons = explode("|", $WA_where_comparisonStr);

$WA_connectionDB = $database_connWHITE;
mysql_select_db($WA_connectionDB, $WA_connection);
if (!session_id()) session_start();
$updateParamsObj = WA_AB_generateInsertParams($WA_fieldNames, $WA_columns, $WA_fieldValues, -1);
$WhereObj = WA_AB_generateWhereClause($WA_where_fieldNames, $WA_where_columns, $WA_where_fieldValues, $WA_where_comparisons );
$WA_Sql = "UPDATE `" . $WA_table . "` SET " . $updateParamsObj->WA_setValues . " WHERE " . $WhereObj->sqlWhereClause . "";
$MM_editCmd = mysql_query($WA_Sql, $WA_connection) or die(mysql_error());
if ($WA_redirectURL != "" {
if ($WA_keepQueryString && $WA_redirectURL != "" && isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] !== "" && sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
$WA_redirectURL .= ((strpos($WA_redirectURL, '?') === false)?"?":"&".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
header("Location: ".$WA_redirectURL);
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<div class="WADAUpdateContainer">
<?php if ($totalRows_WADApages > 0) { // Show if recordset not empty ?>
<form action="pages_Update.php?pageID=<?php echo(rawurlencode($row_WADApages['pageID'])); ?>" method="post" name="WADAUpdateForm" id="WADAUpdateForm">
<div class="WADAHeader">Update Record</div>
<div class="WADAHorizLine"><img src="../WA_DataAssist/images/_tx_.gif" alt="" height="1" width="1" border="0" /></div>
<table class="WADADataTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">pageID:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><?php echo(str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row_WADApages['pageID'])); ?></td>
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">active:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_WADApages['active'],1))) {echo "checked=\"checked\"";} ?> type="checkbox" name="active" id="active" value="1" /></td>
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">pagename:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><?php echo $row_WADApages['pagename']; ?>
<input name="hiddenField" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row_WADApages['pagename']; ?>"></td>
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">head1:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><input type="text" name="head1" id="head1" value="<?php echo(str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row_WADApages['head1'])); ?>" size="32" /></td>
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">head2:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><input type="text" name="head2" id="head2" value="<?php echo(str_replace('"', '&quot;', $row_WADApages['head2'])); ?>" size="32" /></td>
<th class="WADADataTableHeader">content:</th>
<td class="WADADataTableCell"><textarea id="content" name="content" class="dmxEditor" style="width:600px;height:300px"><?php echo $row_WADApages['content']; ?></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
{"FileManager": {"path": "../userfiles", "view": "thumb", "showThumbs": true, "allowUpload": true, "allowDownload": true, "allowCreate": true, "allowRename": true, "allowDelete": true}, "allowUpload": true, "uploadPath": "../userfiles", "uploadProcessor": "php", "allowResize": true, "resizeMaxWidth": 400, "resizeMaxHeight": 400, "locale": "en", "toolbars": {"Text": {"items": {"strikethrough": false, "subscript": false, "superscript": false, "justifyfull": false}}, "Table": {"enabled": false}, "Search": {"enabled": false}, "Font": {"enabled": false}}, "extensions": ["FileManager", "path_browser", "resizer"]}
// ]]>
<div class="WADAHorizLine"><img src="../WA_DataAssist/images/_tx_.gif" alt="" height="1" width="1" border="0" /></div>
<div class="WADAButtonRow">
<table class="WADADataNavButtons" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="WADADataNavButtonCell" nowrap="nowrap"><input type="image" name="Update" id="Update" value="Update" alt="Update" src="../WA_DataAssist/images/Pacifica/Refined_update.gif" /></td>
<td class="WADADataNavButtonCell" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="pages_Results.php" title="Cancel"><img border="0" name="Cancel" id="Cancel" alt="Cancel" src="../WA_DataAssist/images/Pacifica/Refined_cancel.gif" /></a></td>
<input name="WADAUpdateRecordID" type="hidden" id="WADAUpdateRecordID" value="<?php echo(rawurlencode($row_WADApages['pageID'])); ?>">
<?php } // Show if recordset not empty ?>
<?php if ($totalRows_WADApages == 0) { // Show if recordset empty ?>
<div class="WADANoResults">
<div class="WADANoResultsMessage">No record found.</div>
<?php } // Show if recordset empty ?>
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Replied 18 Apr 2013 11:53:21
18 Apr 2013 11:53:21 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Thank you for posting the page code but i need link from hosting server where i can inspect all the files placed by our extension. If you don't want to post the page public , you can send the page as well to my e-mail address:

Replied 25 Apr 2013 00:34:44
25 Apr 2013 00:34:44 phil vouers replied:
sent today
Replied 25 Apr 2013 00:40:07
25 Apr 2013 00:40:07 phil vouers replied:
Your email doesn't work
Replied 25 Apr 2013 06:44:25
25 Apr 2013 06:44:25 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Try with my personal one in g-mail:

Replied 25 Apr 2013 12:13:49
25 Apr 2013 12:13:49 phil vouers replied:
re-sent info
Replied 26 Apr 2013 06:58:08
26 Apr 2013 06:58:08 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

I was able to login but on your testpage the editor is not installed. I had clicked on your pages section where the editor was applied. In my IE 10 when i double click the icon for upload i am able to open the interface. Can you clear your browser cache and try to double click on the upload button for the filemanager?

Replied 26 Apr 2013 10:46:53
26 Apr 2013 10:46:53 phil vouers replied:
quirky.. the editor IS installed on the testpage and shows fine with firefox???
Replied 26 Apr 2013 14:58:47
26 Apr 2013 14:58:47 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

When in IE10 Can you try to open the filemanager and browse for file by double clicking on the icons ?

Replied 07 May 2013 12:34:55
07 May 2013 12:34:55 phil vouers replied:
I don't use IE 10 or windows 8.. what is very bad about this is that a few of my customers DO and at least 2 have this problem with the extension. If you are not seeing anything wrong on my pages then it has to be a compatibility problem with IE10 and your extension???
My work around is to try and talk them into a different browser - no what I would consider professional in their eyes
Replied 07 May 2013 15:04:22
07 May 2013 15:04:22 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Phil.

Notify your clients that they should double-click on the filemananager icons if they are using IE10. Our developers are working on solution for this browser specific issue.

Best Regards:Vulcho.

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