HTML5 Video Player Support Product Page

Not a problem

Requesting a verification number

Reported 23 May 2015 17:03:09
has this problem
23 May 2015 17:03:09 Shawn Ray posted:
DMX Zone Support Team.
I've learned where to locate the MXP file with in my DMX Zone account and have done so.
My Windows 7 Multimedia Development computer has no internet connection and I';m requesting a verification number to complete the HTML5 video Player extension install.

Name is Shawn, my Extension HTML5 Video player extension and my searial Number is: D3F82242-1EFD-4927-BC05-56B067A6C43D



Replied 24 May 2015 10:12:25
24 May 2015 10:12:25 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello, this is your verification number:

Please enter it when asked.
It is really strange that in 2015 you develop websites on a computer without an internet connection...

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