HTML5 MP3 Player Support Product Page
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How can I connect HTML5 MP3 Player with my database, php, spry, etc.
Asked 19 Nov 2012 04:32:07
has this question
19 Nov 2012 04:32:07 Michael Lau posted:
Want to be able to have an HTML5 MP3 player populate the playlist when using php, etc Replies
Replied 19 Nov 2012 07:50:35
19 Nov 2012 07:50:35 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Micheal.
Please take a look at the following video tutorials:
Using Spry Data Set in HTML5 MP3 Player
Creating a Dynamic HTML5 MP3 Player
You can find also a lot of useful videos in the product page, under videos tab.
Please take a look at the following video tutorials:
Using Spry Data Set in HTML5 MP3 Player
Creating a Dynamic HTML5 MP3 Player
You can find also a lot of useful videos in the product page, under videos tab.