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Dreamweaver CS5.5.

Asked 19 Dec 2011 01:01:07
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19 Dec 2011 01:01:07 m blue posted:
I´m trying to install the extension using Dreamweaver CS5.5 and Adobe Extention Manager 5.5 but it comes up with an error saying I should deinstall Dreamweaver CS 4 (which is not installed !!!) or use Adobe Extension Manager CS3.
On your "how to" page you recommend to use the latest version of Adobe Extension manager, which is 5.5

So where can I get Extension Manager CS3 from in order to be able to install your extension?????


Replied 19 Dec 2011 08:26:04
19 Dec 2011 08:26:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Can you please provide us with the exact error message? Also - please check this article:
Replied 19 Dec 2011 13:36:48
19 Dec 2011 13:36:48 m blue replied:
thank you !! it worked using Commands > Manage Extensions

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