HTML5 MP3 Player Support Product Page
Start and stop at specific time
Asked 25 May 2011 20:45:38
has this question
25 May 2011 20:45:38 David Maser posted:
Hi,I was wondering if this MP3 player can handle starting and stopping at a certain part of the MP3 ? What I would like to do is play from 0:30 of an MP3 and stop at 1:00. I really like your player but am looking for this specific feature.
Replied 27 May 2011 11:41:31
27 May 2011 11:41:31 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
Unfortunately this can't be done using the HTML5 MP3 Player.
Unfortunately this can't be done using the HTML5 MP3 Player.