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recommend a trusted pottery studio

Asked 06 Jun 2024 11:52:47
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06 Jun 2024 11:52:47 ilyaz kerimov posted:
Hello everyone, I'm interested in picking up pottery as a new hobby. Does anyone know of any good pottery classes in Chicago that are beginner-friendly and don’t require a long-term commitment? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


Replied 06 Jun 2024 12:02:41
06 Jun 2024 12:02:41 User  replied:
Hi there! If you're looking to get into pottery without committing to long-term classes, I suggest checking out the pottery classes at the Pottery Studio in Cabrini-Green pottery-chicago.com/pottery-classes-cabrini-green . They offer a range of classes that are perfect for beginners. You can choose from one-time classes where you can learn wheel throwing, hand-building, and even glazing techniques. The best part is, there's no enrollment fee or membership required – you can simply sign up for a session whenever you have the time. Their classes are really hands-on, and you get to take home a finished piece after each session. The instructors are experienced and provide all the necessary materials, so all you need to do is show up and enjoy the creative process. It's a fantastic way to unwind and explore your artistic side. They cater to all age groups, so whether you're an adult, teenager, or looking for a fun activity for your kids, you'll find something suitable. The sessions last about 2 hours, and the environment is very welcoming and supportive.

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