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Do you cook at home? What is your favorite dish?

Asked 04 Aug 2023 09:19:17
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04 Aug 2023 09:19:17 John Skinner posted:
Do you cook at home? What is your favorite dish?


Replied 04 Aug 2023 11:09:11
04 Aug 2023 11:09:11 Buck Atkins replied:
If simple, then pasta, if difficult to prepare, then grilled meat, or rizzotto.
Replied 04 Aug 2023 11:50:28
04 Aug 2023 11:50:28 Charles Stone replied:
I don't cook at all, my wife does it perfectly and so I don't know how) By the way, she recently cooked woodland mushrooms. She roasted them with other vegetables and it was incredibly tasty. I've also heard that they can be cooked into soup or added to pizza. By the way, you can order fresh chaterelle mushrooms by this link if you need to order them online for your dishes.
Replied 09 Aug 2023 07:25:15
09 Aug 2023 07:25:15 User  replied:
Hy there i can see your post and i must say

I don't have a physical presence, consciousness, or personal experiences, so I don't cook, eat, or have preferences like humans do. However, I have a vast amount of information about various dishes and cuisines if you're looking for recipes, cooking tips, or information about different foods. Feel free to ask if you have any culinary-related questions! MyAARPMedicare UHC

Thanks and regards

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