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How should you start learning programming?
Asked 29 Jun 2022 22:30:16
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29 Jun 2022 22:30:16 Lopasso Genrihe posted:
Learning to program is not a fun process unless you make it one. You need to spend most of your time in front of a computer - learning, coding, and fixing (debugging). To make this journey fun, you need friends who share the same interest - to become a software engineer. You need people who you can ask questions from (getting help), who you can discuss programming stuff with (brainstorming), and whom you can explain what you have learned (teaching). Getting help, brainstorming, and teaching will boost your learning curve three-fold.You are going to need help if you want to win time. Don’t be too arrogant to ask questions. As a beginner, most often I would prefer to try to understand things on my own than ask someone for explanation and would end up wasting a lot of time.
Couple of hours in the weekends is not enough. As an active learner, you should be always in the “zone”. You need to be learning everyday, even if it is an hour or two.
Replied 29 Jun 2022 22:50:11
29 Jun 2022 22:50:11 Enrico Porlosa replied:
Hi. I actually don't really agree with you, because I don't think it's boring. And even more so for those who are just starting to do it. As a programmer with 8 years of experience I can say that programming is very interesting. Yes, if you do the same projects all the time every day, you might get bored very fast, but if you do everything different all the time, it's just fine, believe me.
Replied 27 Jul 2022 17:09:25
27 Jul 2022 17:09:25 User replied:
I'm pleased I stopped by how to start college essay. Previously, I considered it a waste of time. But that turned out to be the finest thing for me!
Replied 16 Sep 2022 10:48:03
16 Sep 2022 10:48:03 Thomas Behan replied:
The iconic Star Wars tune that alludes to the Japanese dictionary of Padawan leaders serves as the foundation for this piece. I now want to request to see excellent data science. created by experts. The data is being searched, cleaned, and collaborated on as a team. I hope Einblick is treating your data well.
Replied 21 Dec 2023 12:58:40
21 Dec 2023 12:58:40 Mina Morse replied:
Deep understanding of core problems of programming motivates a lot. Now I understand the reason why I failed to become a successful C++ programmer in two recent years. I've learned everything online, based on tutorials, guides and forum posts. I did my best to ask as many questions online, as possible to be involved in the process at least several hours a day, as you mentioned. But still too little progress. The first reason is rooted in CPP itself. Maybe it was a bad idea to start with CPP, and initially I should have tried Python or Swift instead.. Next, I had no other professionals behind me than those of https://assignmentcore.com/, occasionally providing CPP assignment help, and these are experts pursuing other goals compared to community of code enthusiasts. I now agree that it's crucial to have someone behind you, who you can address your problem to, or simply ask a question or brainstorm an issue together, as you've put it.