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Management courses

Asked 04 Jul 2024 07:56:18
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04 Jul 2024 07:56:18 Eugene Jameson posted:
Are there any reputable management courses available in the USA?


Replied 04 Jul 2024 07:59:34
04 Jul 2024 07:59:34 Dana Bane replied:
I vaguely recall hearing about an online school that offers courses specifically in product management for AI and ML. You might want to check them out directly on their site for more information: https://elvtr.com/course/product-management-for-ai-and-ml.
Replied 05 Jul 2024 07:03:14
05 Jul 2024 07:03:14 Kevin Martin replied:
A management training program is a professional course offered by an institution or organization that enables participants to learn and develop the skills needed to work successfully in a management position.

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