Sliding Menu Support Product Page
1.0.3 mousewheel bug!!
Reported 12 years ago
has this problem
12 years ago thomas strmiska posted:
1.0.3 mousewheel bug!!i wrote you 2 times - got no answer. your sliding menu mouswheel function doesn´t work at all.
it also don´t work in your own demos!!!!!!!!!!!!
today i installed your newest version 1.0.3, but it don´t work!!!
i tried on windows and mac - both failed
i cannot scroll down by moueswheel. please give me an answer and check:
thanx a lot
Replied 12 years ago
12 years ago Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Thomas,
This appears to be a last minute packaging error. Please download the extension again - the problem is fixed in the latest release.
Thank you for the feedback!
This appears to be a last minute packaging error. Please download the extension again - the problem is fixed in the latest release.
Thank you for the feedback!