Sliding Panels Support Product Page
Under investigation
Dreamweaver is closed to run the spread Sliding Panel.
Reported 18 Jun 2013 06:13:07
has this problem
18 Jun 2013 06:13:07 Marvin Soto posted:
Hello,Thanks in advance for your help.
Install Sliding Panels extension.
I use Windows 7 and dreamweaver cs6.
The problem that arises is the following.
When running extension (Sliding Panels); immediately DEPENDENT window opens COPY FILES, a few seconds after you open a new window that says (ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS6 STOPPED RUNNING).
After this the program saw.
I uninstall the. The download site, and reinstall again but the problem persists.
In the following link you can see two screenshots.
More information:
Watch images and videos on the attached link.
Replied 19 Jun 2013 09:21:03
19 Jun 2013 09:21:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please try clearing your Dreamweaver cache:
Please try clearing your Dreamweaver cache:
Replied 19 Jun 2013 15:50:23
19 Jun 2013 15:50:23 Marvin Soto replied:
Hi Teodor, thanks for your prompt response.
I delete the file from the cache, but nothing happens.
All my extensions work without showing any problem except (Sliding Panels).
At first I assumed that the extension could be in conflict with other extensions that
I use on this page. (All DMX ZONE). Then start a new project to rule out that possibility, but the behavior of the extension (SlidingPanels) does not seem to regulate.
Both tests can view them on the following link.
Please watch the videos.
I delete the file from the cache, but nothing happens.
All my extensions work without showing any problem except (Sliding Panels).
At first I assumed that the extension could be in conflict with other extensions that
I use on this page. (All DMX ZONE). Then start a new project to rule out that possibility, but the behavior of the extension (SlidingPanels) does not seem to regulate.
Both tests can view them on the following link.
Please watch the videos.
Replied 20 Jun 2013 09:12:36
20 Jun 2013 09:12:36 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Marvin,
Thanks for the videos.
On the empty page i see you are working with a non-saved document that dreamweaver finds out of the site definition. Can you please try inserting teh sliding panels on a saved into the site folder file? Then review the results in the browser.
Thanks for the videos.
On the empty page i see you are working with a non-saved document that dreamweaver finds out of the site definition. Can you please try inserting teh sliding panels on a saved into the site folder file? Then review the results in the browser.
Replied 20 Jun 2013 21:59:18
20 Jun 2013 21:59:18 Marvin Soto replied:
Hi Teodor, thanks again for your help. I did what you asked, and also use another extension to show that indeed, all extensions work fine, except (sliding panels). At least in my case.
Please see the following video. (video_3.mp4)
Please see the following video. (video_3.mp4)
Replied 24 Jun 2013 16:12:18
24 Jun 2013 16:12:18 Marvin Soto replied:
Hi Teodor, the extension problem is already solved.
Thank you!.
Thank you!.

Replied 24 Jun 2013 16:18:57
24 Jun 2013 16:18:57 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Marvin,
Can you share with us how did you manage to solve the issue?
Can you share with us how did you manage to solve the issue?
Replied 24 Jun 2013 19:25:56
24 Jun 2013 19:25:56 Marvin Soto replied:
The DIV, where the sliding panel is inserted, it should contain some text. It can be a single letter. After inserting the sliding panel, this text can be removed. and continue working without problem.
See example on the video link.
Title: solucion.mp4
See example on the video link.
Title: solucion.mp4