Sliding Panels Support Product Page
can't install some extensions to dreamweaver cs6. what do I do?
Reported 02 Jul 2012 20:32:36
has this problem
02 Jul 2012 20:32:36 Michael Lee posted:
I can't install some of your extensions to dreamweaver cs6. I had the same problem with apart version of dreamweaver and had to find and delete a cache file. As far as i can see your instructions are wrong on where to find the file and the name of the file to be deleted. there are no files in dreamweaver cs6 with a .dat extension NONE. i have done a search of hidden files to prove this. so please help me QUICKLY as I've already wasted a few hours of my life trying to work out what to do Replies
Replied 03 Jul 2012 06:19:43
03 Jul 2012 06:19:43 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The instructions of how to clear the dreamweaver cache are not wrong. The file is being created once your dreamweaver is closed and also the AppData folder for Windows/ Library folder for mac are hidden by default.
Can you please describe what you mean by "i can't insstall them"? Do you get any errors? Do you get the screen asking for user/pass? Please be a little more detailed.
The instructions of how to clear the dreamweaver cache are not wrong. The file is being created once your dreamweaver is closed and also the AppData folder for Windows/ Library folder for mac are hidden by default.
Can you please describe what you mean by "i can't insstall them"? Do you get any errors? Do you get the screen asking for user/pass? Please be a little more detailed.
Replied 03 Jul 2012 06:23:02
03 Jul 2012 06:23:02 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Micheal.
Can you tell us with which of our products the problem appears?
Regarding clearing cache probably you are using windows :
Can you tell us with which of our products the problem appears?
Regarding clearing cache probably you are using windows :
Replied 04 Jul 2012 17:54:40
04 Jul 2012 17:54:40 Michael Lee replied:
I use a Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB.
I have recently upgraded to the cloud version of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 from 5.5
I am using Adobe Extension Manager CS6
Dreamweaver launches and did work fine without any of your DMXZone extensions. My problems started when I decided to install existing extensions that must have auto ported to the CS6 Extension manager.
When I launch dreamweaver with all my extensions installed (the extensions that the system allows - obviously not those which will not install). Dreamweaver crashes on launch and I get the report this problem to adobe dialogue and the choice of sending a message to them and a choice of trying to launch Dreamweaver CS6 again. If I try to launch again, it crashes part way through launch again and again and again and again. If I restart my mac the same thing happens. If I turn my Mac off and start it from cold the same thing happens.
Something I have noticed is when Dreamweaver does launch without ANY extensions installed, I still have the dmxHTML5VideoPlayer extension in the 'Commands" menu. I have double checked with Extension Manager CS6 and NO extensions are installed. I have even deleted the HTML5 Video extension from the Extension manger.
When I click the 'commands' drop down menu a dialogue box pops up saying this;
"The following javascript error(s) occurred: Unable to open script file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS6:Configuration:Shared
MXZone:HTML5 Video Player:jQueryLib:jQueryComponent_lib.js" (error 2).
One of the problems was when I tried to install an extension I got this message in a dialogue box;
"MACINTOSH HD:Users:apple(applies my username):Library:Application:Support:Adobe
reamweaver CS5.5:en_US:Configuration:Commands:dmxSlidingPanels_onOpen.htm was not found."
So basically your extensions seem to be screwing Dreamweaver CS6 up - I will say that I had the problem immediately above this before with either CS5.5 or an earlier version of Dreamweaver. I deleted a cache file and that fixed the problem. In that instance the cache file was not where it was supposed to be according to DMXZone help - the same as this time round I could not find any file where I was supposed to.
Please either point me to an article that has the answer to this or contact me with an answer. I have wasted a lot of time installing and uninstalling lots of your extensions. I have deleted dreamweaver and downloaded it again from the cloud. It works fine until I install your extensions.
Help please
I have recently upgraded to the cloud version of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 from 5.5
I am using Adobe Extension Manager CS6
Dreamweaver launches and did work fine without any of your DMXZone extensions. My problems started when I decided to install existing extensions that must have auto ported to the CS6 Extension manager.
When I launch dreamweaver with all my extensions installed (the extensions that the system allows - obviously not those which will not install). Dreamweaver crashes on launch and I get the report this problem to adobe dialogue and the choice of sending a message to them and a choice of trying to launch Dreamweaver CS6 again. If I try to launch again, it crashes part way through launch again and again and again and again. If I restart my mac the same thing happens. If I turn my Mac off and start it from cold the same thing happens.
Something I have noticed is when Dreamweaver does launch without ANY extensions installed, I still have the dmxHTML5VideoPlayer extension in the 'Commands" menu. I have double checked with Extension Manager CS6 and NO extensions are installed. I have even deleted the HTML5 Video extension from the Extension manger.
When I click the 'commands' drop down menu a dialogue box pops up saying this;
"The following javascript error(s) occurred: Unable to open script file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS6:Configuration:Shared

One of the problems was when I tried to install an extension I got this message in a dialogue box;
"MACINTOSH HD:Users:apple(applies my username):Library:Application:Support:Adobe

So basically your extensions seem to be screwing Dreamweaver CS6 up - I will say that I had the problem immediately above this before with either CS5.5 or an earlier version of Dreamweaver. I deleted a cache file and that fixed the problem. In that instance the cache file was not where it was supposed to be according to DMXZone help - the same as this time round I could not find any file where I was supposed to.
Please either point me to an article that has the answer to this or contact me with an answer. I have wasted a lot of time installing and uninstalling lots of your extensions. I have deleted dreamweaver and downloaded it again from the cloud. It works fine until I install your extensions.
Help please
Replied 04 Jul 2012 18:37:18
04 Jul 2012 18:37:18 George Petrov replied:
Replied 04 Jul 2012 23:35:43
04 Jul 2012 23:35:43 Michael Lee replied:
Hi George,
I already looked at this solution. This is why I said I couldn't find the cache file to delete. Maybe I need to I hide files or something. But there is no Path to a file like that. I've done this before with a previous version of dreamweaver and found the file somewhere else. I will have to look for the cache file while support are live online tomorrow.
I already looked at this solution. This is why I said I couldn't find the cache file to delete. Maybe I need to I hide files or something. But there is no Path to a file like that. I've done this before with a previous version of dreamweaver and found the file somewhere else. I will have to look for the cache file while support are live online tomorrow.
Replied 05 Jul 2012 07:25:21
05 Jul 2012 07:25:21 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Michael,
The cahce file is located into:
And it cannot be located "somewhere else"
By default the Library folder is hidden, so you need to unhide it in order to go to the cache file when your DW is closed:
The cahce file is located into:
And it cannot be located "somewhere else"
By default the Library folder is hidden, so you need to unhide it in order to go to the cache file when your DW is closed: