Sliding Panels Support Product Page
Error when using other extension
Reported 22 Aug 2010 13:05:48
has this problem
22 Aug 2010 13:05:48 Denis Hoffmann posted:
Hi,when I try to add an WA esxtesion I got an java error message, that something with the sliding panel ahppens.

Can you help me there?
Replied 24 Aug 2010 11:38:16
24 Aug 2010 11:38:16 Denis Hoffmann replied:
No help here?
Replied 18 Sep 2010 17:07:09
18 Sep 2010 17:07:09 Denis Hoffmann replied:
Now the error shows up, when I make some changes in the DW adjustments.

Can you please check this?

Can you please check this?
Replied 23 Sep 2010 10:12:47
23 Sep 2010 10:12:47 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Denis,
Please, do following:
Uninstall the WA extension and Sliding Menu. Restart your DW. Install only Sliding Menu and see if error appears again.
Than install the WA extension. Check again for the error.
Please, do following:
Uninstall the WA extension and Sliding Menu. Restart your DW. Install only Sliding Menu and see if error appears again.
Than install the WA extension. Check again for the error.