Ajax Event Calendar Support Product Page


cannot install dmxAjaxCalendar105.mxp!

Reported 18 Mar 2012 19:15:08
has this problem
18 Mar 2012 19:15:08 thomas strmiska posted:
i just bought event calendar. bit when i want to install the dmxAjaxCalendar105.mxp the extension manager alwas writes "cannot overwrite the menues. the installations failed".
what to do?


Replied 19 Mar 2012 07:31:55
19 Mar 2012 07:31:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please provide your OS, DW version and a screenshot of the error if possible.
Replied 20 Mar 2012 08:21:33
20 Mar 2012 08:21:33 thomas strmiska replied:
problem solved - i deinstalled dreamweaver completely including preferences. also i deinstalled all dmx extensions and installed dreamweaver and all extensions new. now´s working again!

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