Ajax Event Calendar Support Product Page


Problem with scandic letters Ö Ä ö ä

Reported 03 Feb 2012 10:59:57
has this problem
03 Feb 2012 10:59:57 Jukka Eväluoto posted:
Problem with scandic letters Ö Ä ö ä.. When I had ä chars in the title like "jääkiipeily" the calendar did not load at all.

Changed the ä chars to ä but now the tooltip title shows wrong.

Using my own MySQL database.


Replied 03 Feb 2012 11:02:53
03 Feb 2012 11:02:53 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please make sure your database collation is: utf8_general_ci
Replied 03 Feb 2012 11:08:48
03 Feb 2012 11:08:48 Jukka Eväluoto replied:
Ok yup I see the problem already.

My database is utf8_general_ci, but my page encoding is ISO-8859-1.
Replied 03 Feb 2012 13:23:34
03 Feb 2012 13:23:34 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please use utf-8 on both page and database table.
Replied 03 Feb 2012 13:56:22
03 Feb 2012 13:56:22 Jukka Eväluoto replied:
Yup I got this one fixed, thanks.

I have couple of fixes to the Finnish translations of the event calendar UI. Would you like to get those?
Replied 03 Feb 2012 14:00:24
03 Feb 2012 14:00:24 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
You can send them to me:
Thank you!
Replied 03 Feb 2012 14:11:01
03 Feb 2012 14:11:01 Jukka Eväluoto replied:
Straight from the file calendar_translation_fi.js

"january": "Tammikuu",
"february": "Helmikuu",
"march": "Maaliskuu",
"april": "Huhtikuu",
"may": "Toukokuu",
"june": "Kesäkuu",
"july": "Heinäkuu",
"august": "Elokuu",
"september": "Syyskuu",
"october": "Lokakuu",
"november": "Marraskuu",
"december": "Joulukuu",
"sunday": "Sunnuntai",
"monday": "Maanantai",
"tuesday": "Tiistai",
"wednesday": "Keskiviikko",
"thursday": "Torstai",
"friday": "Perjantai",
"saturday": "Lauantai",
"day": "Päivä",
"week": "Viikko",
"month": "Kuukausi",
"year": "Vuosi",
"show_all": "Näytä kaikki tapahtumat",
"legend": "Selitteet",
"retrieving events": "Haetaan tapahtumia"

I don't know where these are set but in Finnish we don't use 3 letter short naming for months or week days, those do not mean anything in Finnish instead we use

"jan": "Tammi",
"feb": "Helmi",
"mar": "Maalis",
"apr": "Huhti",
"may": "Touko",
"jun": "Kesä",
"jul": "Heinä",
"aug": "Elo",
"sep": "Syys",
"oct": "Loka",
"nov": "Marras",
"dec": "Joulu",

For week days we use 2 letters

"sun": "Su",
"mon": "Ma",
"tue": "Ti",
"wed": "Ke",
"thu": "To",
"fri": "Pe",
"sat": "La",

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