Universal CSS Navigation Menu Support Product Page
combine ajax autocomplete with css Navigation Menu
Asked 15 May 2012 16:43:24
has this question
15 May 2012 16:43:24 raymond dekker posted:
Hello I want to build a navigation menu with on the left side a logo and i want to use ajax autocomplete for the search field.is that possible,
greetz raymond dekker
Replied 16 May 2012 06:48:57
16 May 2012 06:48:57 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Raymond,
It is possible to put the autocomplete into an AP div and position the div over the menu, but unfortunately there is no way to integrate it directly in the menu.
It is possible to put the autocomplete into an AP div and position the div over the menu, but unfortunately there is no way to integrate it directly in the menu.