Universal CSS Navigation Menu Support Product Page

Customize position of the expandable class

14 years ago Simon Howell posted:
I may be taking this too far - I'm trying to activate the menu from a circular button, but the position of the hot spot where the sub menu appears needs to be changed. You can see my menu here (the round red button, not the top horizontal menu):


I have highlighted the hot spot with a yellow border - this is the span with the class "expandable". I'd like that hot spot to be centered on the button and cover the entire area of the button.

In addition when the sub menu shows I'd like it to appear beneath the button so the top right corner of the sub menu is covered by the button.

I'm assuming this means making changes to the main "dmxNavigationMenu.css" and "dmxNavigationMenu.js" - can this be done without sacrificing the basic functionality of the blue menu at the top?


Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Simon,

That is something that may take some time. have you tried adding a simple div there with that icon and applying to it a Context Menu which is a feature in Universal CSS Navigation Menu?

Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago Simon Howell replied:
I went with something completely different using the DMX CSS Animator extension instead. You can see it here:

Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Simon,

Yea, that is good solution too.


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