Universal CSS Navigation Menu Support Product Page
More than one menu on a page - how to get to properties panel
Reported 01 Sep 2010 16:38:58
has this problem
01 Sep 2010 16:38:58 Simon Howell posted:
I added a second menu to my page and now I can't seem to access the properties panel in DW for each. With one menu in split view mode I would click on the menu in the Design window and the Edit menu properties panel would appear. With two menus I can't seem to activate the properties panel for each. Replies
Replied 01 Sep 2010 16:56:42
01 Sep 2010 16:56:42 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Simon,
There shouldn't be a problem accessing the menu options in the property inspector as each of the menus has its own unique id:
<div id="navmenu1" class="dmxNavigationMenu"> ....
<div id="navmenu2" class="dmxNavigationMenu">
There shouldn't be a problem accessing the menu options in the property inspector as each of the menus has its own unique id:
<div id="navmenu1" class="dmxNavigationMenu"> ....
<div id="navmenu2" class="dmxNavigationMenu">
Replied 01 Sep 2010 17:03:08
01 Sep 2010 17:03:08 Simon Howell replied:
IS there an alternative way of showing the properties panel other than clicking on the menu in design view? This no longer works when you have more than one menu on the page.
Replied 01 Sep 2010 17:05:44
01 Sep 2010 17:05:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It works just fine, there must be some problem with your DW, maybe?
If you click on any of the menu divs in Split view -
<div id="navmenu1" class="dmxNavigationMenu"> for example, Do you see anything in the properties inspector?
If you click on any of the menu divs in Split view -
<div id="navmenu1" class="dmxNavigationMenu"> for example, Do you see anything in the properties inspector?
Replied 02 Sep 2010 16:20:18
02 Sep 2010 16:20:18 Simon Howell replied:
In speaking with Teodor on live support I was able to find out the problem. The extension creates a snippet of JavaScript code in the body of your page and positions it immediately below the menu code. Trying to be diligent I had moved this code to the bottom of the page. When I moved it back the properties menu was accessible again!
So the lesson of the day is...DON'T MOVE THE CODE [
So the lesson of the day is...DON'T MOVE THE CODE [