Universal CSS Navigation Menu Support Product Page
saving document
Asked 25 Aug 2010 19:35:04
has this question
25 Aug 2010 19:35:04 Erik Jacobson posted:
Hello. When I finish a menu and click "ok" the code is placed into my Dreamweaver page. But if I need to adjust something I am unable to open up the same project again in the Universal CSS Navigation Menu extension. So if I need to change anything I have to start over from the very beginning. Is it possible to save a project so that I don't have to rebuild it each time? Replies
Replied 26 Aug 2010 15:44:07
26 Aug 2010 15:44:07 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Erik,
Is there any error that pops up when you try to save or open the project?
Is there any error that pops up when you try to save or open the project?
Replied 26 Aug 2010 20:22:35
26 Aug 2010 20:22:35 Erik Jacobson replied:
Hello Miro.
No, none. No option to save, only to paste automatically into dreamweaver document.
This is an aside, but is it possible to stop the DMX advertisement when i open dreamweaver? I know there are more products already, i'd rather not have to click through when opening each time.
No, none. No option to save, only to paste automatically into dreamweaver document.
This is an aside, but is it possible to stop the DMX advertisement when i open dreamweaver? I know there are more products already, i'd rather not have to click through when opening each time.
Edited by - Erik Jacobson on 26 Aug 2010 20:23:06
Replied 27 Aug 2010 20:08:30
27 Aug 2010 20:08:30 Erik Jacobson replied:
No error pop-up when opening. No ability to preview or save. Only option is to place into live dreamweaver doc to view. If it's not just right I have to start over from scratch.
Mac OSX Leopard/Dreamweaver CS4
Mac OSX Leopard/Dreamweaver CS4
Replied 30 Aug 2010 18:40:20
30 Aug 2010 18:40:20 Erik Jacobson replied:
Any advice, Miro? Am I supposed to be able to preview and fine-tune the menu before placing it into the Dreamweaver doc?
Replied 31 Aug 2010 18:10:09
31 Aug 2010 18:10:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Erik,
When you click the OK button the menu is being placed on your page.
Then you should see it on the page, where you placed it. When you click on it, in the property inspector you should see the menu properties:

When you click the OK button the menu is being placed on your page.
Then you should see it on the page, where you placed it. When you click on it, in the property inspector you should see the menu properties: