Animated Thumbnail Gallery Support Product Page


onClick JavaScript Error

Asked 09 Nov 2012 04:27:52
has this question
09 Nov 2012 04:27:52 Debbie Schmidt posted:
Started receiving error today:

While executing onClick in dmxThumbnailGallery10_install.htm, the following javascript error(s) occurred: at line 1 of file c:\users\<path>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\en_US\Configuration\shared\DMXzone\Scripts\dmxInstaller104.js:getDocumentDOM: Argument number 1 is invalid

If I ok through I get the normal dialogs, but then it hangs during the actual installation.


Replied 09 Nov 2012 07:28:33
09 Nov 2012 07:28:33 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Debbie.

Did you tried to clear DW cache file yet?:
Clearing Dreamweaver's cache
Did you notified exactly when the error begins to show?

Replied 09 Nov 2012 16:57:37
09 Nov 2012 16:57:37 Debbie Schmidt replied:
Yes to clearing the cache. It started yesterday, although I've not recently re-installed ATG. Not sure why it came up at this time...
Replied 09 Nov 2012 17:41:09
09 Nov 2012 17:41:09 Debbie Schmidt replied:
The error starts as soon as I click to install ATG. This pops up as soon as Dreamweaver opens.
Replied 09 Nov 2012 17:43:30
09 Nov 2012 17:43:30 Debbie Schmidt replied:
The error occurs as soon as I click install. I go through the screens to add serial, username, etc. then when I click install the error appears.

Sorry, I keep misreading your post to me.
Replied 09 Nov 2012 17:44:57
09 Nov 2012 17:44:57 Debbie Schmidt replied:
As soon as I ok the error, I get the installing extension screen with the installation progress & processing file that goes nowhere. I have to click the x to cancel and get the warning that the extension hasn't been installed.
Replied 10 Nov 2012 05:49:58
10 Nov 2012 05:49:58 Debbie Schmidt replied:
I've recreated my dreamweaver preferences and will let you know if I have any issues after reinstalling all extensions.
Replied 12 Nov 2012 07:53:36
12 Nov 2012 07:53:36 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Debbie.

Please notify me about the progress on the issue.

I've tried to recreate your issue on couple machines but was unable to receive such error.
Do you have CSS3Shadows or Ajax Datagrid extensions installed ?If yes please make sure that they are updated to lattest version. For installing and updating the extensions you can use DMXZone Updater, which is huge time saver in my opinion.

Replied 13 Nov 2012 19:35:27
13 Nov 2012 19:35:27 Debbie Schmidt replied:
I don't seem to be having the issue now that everything's been recreated. Using the updater sure made things easier to update with the exception of my older extensions from the presentation bundle and th eghtml bundle -- they didn't recognize my username or password so I left them uninstalled since I don't use them any longer. Thanks for the follow up!

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