Animated Thumbnail Gallery Support Product Page
What do I use for the destination folder?
Asked 08 Apr 2012 23:43:44
has this question
08 Apr 2012 23:43:44 Judy Johnston posted:
I have Dreamweaver CS4. I am not sure what to put into the Destination I put the name of the page that the gallery should go on? Should it be the webite. I tried putting the name of the page, and it came up with a box with an x in it, rather than a gallery. Help Replies
Replied 09 Apr 2012 05:34:01
09 Apr 2012 05:34:01 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
The destination folder is a folder in your Site Root folder that will store your images. For example you can create a folder named: "images" or "gallery" or any other name (without the quotes)
The destination folder is a folder in your Site Root folder that will store your images. For example you can create a folder named: "images" or "gallery" or any other name (without the quotes)