Sliding Billboard Support Product Page
Anchor link navigation to target slide
Reported 16 May 2014 03:11:35
has this problem
16 May 2014 03:11:35 Paul Strydom posted:
I have been using sliding billboard a long time now and love it, today I tried something a little different and am having an issue. I create a couple links on a page call them slide1, 2, and 3. I have a sliding billboard on a totally different page, however within the new page there a duplicates of the 3 links. I click the slide1 link on the homepage and it takes me to the product page with the url suffix from this page I use the links on it to try get to the next slide, click the link slide2 with an href tag of but when I click it does nothing. Am I missing something here. Replies
Replied 16 May 2014 08:35:53
16 May 2014 08:35:53 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Paul,
In order to control the sliding billboard you need to use the behaviors, which are located: Behaviors > Add New > DMXzone > Control Sliding Billboard.
There you can select one of the actions to be applied on your link/button.
In order to control the sliding billboard you need to use the behaviors, which are located: Behaviors > Add New > DMXzone > Control Sliding Billboard.
There you can select one of the actions to be applied on your link/button.