Sliding Billboard Support Product Page


billboard with special lightbox preset

13 years ago thomas strmiska posted:
is there a trick to use my own preset of lightbox within billboard? watching your video shows how to define the preset for each picture seperately. what, if i have 50 pictures. do i have to edit all manually by dmx behavior in order to open in dmx lightbox?
or is there a trick to define one preset for lughtbox, which i can choose for all at once?



Replied 13 years ago
13 years ago Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello thomas,

You can use the preset editor in order to edit the default preset to what you need it to look like.
Replied 13 years ago
13 years ago thomas strmiska replied:
of cource, i know that. i watched your video. in this it is only described how to use my own user settings, but only for just ONE!!! image.

i have 50 pictures and they all should open in my (eg: "xxx" preset.
i have defined "xxx" in the user-preferences of lightbox.
but how do i select this "xxx"-preset for all 50 images at once??
This reply was removed on 3/16/2012 2:03:53 PM.
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Replied 12 years ago
12 years ago Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please Open the presets editor and edit the Default preset to what you want.

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