Universal Data Exporter ASP Support Product Page


Export to Excel - Overflow: 'CLng' - VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Reported 20 Feb 2011 14:31:53
have this problem
20 Feb 2011 14:31:53 Gareth Tannatt Nash posted:
Development OS - Windows 7
Server OS - 2008
Dreamweaver Version CS3

When exporting to excel i get the following error

"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CLng'

\\\HOME\THESITE.COM\PUBLIC_HTML\SECURE\REPORTS\../../ScriptLibrary/ExcelWriter.asp, line 890"

My code is

<!--#include file="../../Connections/recruta2.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../../ScriptLibrary/dmxDataExporter.asp" -->
%Dim stats
Dim stats_cmd
Dim stats_numRows

Set stats_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
stats_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_recruta2_STRING
stats_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT   C.JBCLID ClientID,  C.JBCLName Client,          C.JBCLBillingContact Contact, C.JBCLPhone Phone,          C.JBCLEmail Email,  C.JBCLAccountType, C.JBCLAccountLive, C.JBCLCompanyType, CONVERT(CHAR(11),C.JBCLDateRegisterred,106) AS DateRegistered, FreeTrial, CONVERT(CHAR(11),C.JBCLMStartDate,106) AS StartDate, CONVERT(CHAR(11),C.JBCLMEndDate,106) AS Enddate, S.JBSURLShort from JBClient C inner join JBSite S on C.JBCLSiteID = S.JBSSiteID Where JBCLName NOT IN(select JBCLName from JBClient where JBCLID IN(Select JBAClientID from JBAdvert)) AND JBCLName NOT IN(select JBCLName from JBClient where JBCLID IN(Select JBAClientID from JBExpiredAdvert)) AND JBSSIteOwnerID <> '3' Group By JBCLID,JBCLName, JBCLBillingContact, JBCLPhone, JBCLEmail, JBCLAccountType, JBCLAccountLive, JBCLCompanyType,  JBCLDateRegisterred, FreeTrial, JBCLMStartDate, JBCLMEndDate, JBSURLShort" 
stats_cmd.Prepared = true

Set stats = stats_cmd.Execute
stats_numRows = 0
%' Universal Data Exporter ASP 1.11
' Type: excel
dim  ude1
Set ude1 = New dmxExcelExporter
ude1.ScriptFolder = "../../ScriptLibrary"
ude1.RowBgColor = "#DDEBFF"
ude1.EvenRowBgColor = "#FFFFFF"
ude1.LineSize = 0.3
ude1.LineColor = "#666666"
ude1.StripHtmlTags = true
ude1.UseHeader = true
ude1.HeaderFont = "helvetica"
ude1.HeaderFontColor = "#666666"
ude1.HeaderFontSize = 12
ude1.HeaderBgColor = "#88B8FF"
ude1.HeaderBold = false
ude1.HeaderItalic = false
ude1.HeadersOnAllPages = true
ude1.FontName = "helvetica"
ude1.FontSize = 12
ude1.FontColor = "#666666"
ude1.CellBold = false
ude1.CellItalic = false
ude1.TableRowHeight = 22
ude1.Download = true
ude1.SaveCopy = false
ude1.FileName = "JobBoard-Stats"
ude1.SourceRecordset = stats
ude1.SourceFieldsString = "Client,Client,220,L,L,0,T,Contact,Contact,100,L,L,0,T,Phone,Phone,100,L,L,0,T,Email,Email,100,L,L,0,T,JBCLAccountType,JBCLAccountType,100,L,L,0,T,JBCLAccountLive,JBCLAccountLive,100,L,L,0,T,JBCLCompanyType,JBCLCompanyType,100,L,L,0,T,DateRegistered,DateRegistered,100,L,L,0,T,FreeTrial,FreeTrial,100,L,L,0,T,StartDate,StartDate,100,L,L,0,T,Enddate,Enddate,100,L,L,0,T,JBSURLShort,JBSURLShort,100,L,L,0,T"

Set stats = Nothing

The Recordset containd 4500+ records

Please Help, I have a number of reports that i need to run.


Replied 28 Jul 2014 07:24:46
28 Jul 2014 07:24:46 eric guide91 replied:

I have this problem too, why you don't publish this fix on your site or fix directly this extension by an update?

Thanks a lot,

Replied 27 Feb 2015 11:34:18
27 Feb 2015 11:34:18 Daniel Hughes replied:
I also have this problem. Has there been a definitive fix??

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CLng'

/ScriptLibrary/ExcelWriter.asp, line 890
Replied 18 Mar 2016 06:00:05
18 Mar 2016 06:00:05 william wakefield replied:
Universal Data Exporter ASP

Error when clicking on Excel Export:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'
Overflow: 'CLng'
/Radtest/ScriptLibrary/ExcelWriter.asp, line 890
......................................................... and with PDF
Error when clicking on PDF Export:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

Subscript out of range: 'i'

/Radtest/ScriptLibrary/dmxDataExporter.asp, line 2032

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