Universal Data Exporter ASP Support Product Page

Subscript out of range error

Asked 23 Aug 2010 10:10:23
has this question
23 Aug 2010 10:10:23 Michelle Pasquale posted:

I am trying to export a table to PDF. I narrowed it down to a rather simple table, but I still receive the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: 'i'
/Tracking_Works/ScriptLibrary/dmxDataExporter.asp, line 2032

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Here is the code to the simplified table:

            <table width="1430" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" id="Resolutions">
              <tr align="left" class="BlueHeaders">
                <th width="70">Visit Date</th>
                <th width="275">Practice</th>
                <th width="100">Issue Type</th>
                <th width="350">Issue Details</th>
                <th width="150">Responsible Party</th>
                <th width="70">Date Resolved</th>
                <th width="400">Resolution</th>
While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT rsVisits.EOF)) 
<% Record_Count = Record_Count + 1 %>
                <tr valign="top" class="BodyCopy">
                  <td width="70"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("VisitDate").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="275"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("PracticeName").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="100"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("IssueType_Name").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="300"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("ServiceIssues").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="120"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("IssueResponsibleParty").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="70"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("DateResolved").Value)%></td>
                  <td width="400"><%=(rsVisits.Fields.Item("IssueResolution").Value)%></td>
              <tr align="left" class="BlueHeaders">
               <td colspan="7">Total Records = <%=Record_Count%></td>
              <% End If ' end Not rsVisits.EOF Or NOT rsVisits.BOF %>
              <% If Not rsVisits.EOF Or Not rsVisits.BOF Then %>
              <table width="400" align="center">
                  <td colspan="3" ></td>
                <tr class="BodyCopy">
                  <td colspan="3" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                  <td align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>  
                    <td align="center" valign="bottom"><input type="button" onClick="generateJSONASP('Resolutions','PDF','ISO-8859-1','ScriptLibrary/udeJSON.asp',{markup: ['false','helvetica','12','#FF0000','#33FF99','false','false','helvetica','12','#000000','false','false','#CC99FF','0.3','#000000','10','false','L','false','Title','helvetica','12','#000000','false','false','L','L','false','Issues &amp; Resolutions Report','false',' ','true','true','#FFFFFF']})" value=" Export to PDF " ></td>



Replied 26 Aug 2010 15:31:31
26 Aug 2010 15:31:31 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Michelle,

What is the number of records you are exporting?

Replied 16 Sep 2010 16:01:13
16 Sep 2010 16:01:13 Michelle Pasquale replied:

I have tried various numbers of records, but tested with only 4 records and still get the error.

QuoteHello Michelle,

What is the number of records you are exporting?

Replied 16 Sep 2010 16:45:49
16 Sep 2010 16:45:49 Michelle Pasquale replied:
I have discovered that the problem occurs whenever I have a table inside of the table being exported to PDF.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Replied 16 Sep 2010 19:59:56
16 Sep 2010 19:59:56 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Michelle,

That is a prerequisite for the Behavior to work properly - it cannot export nested tables - no matter of the way of nesting.
We are still to update that feature but there is no scheduled date for that as for now.


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