Universal Data Exporter ASP Support Product Page

problem: Export Excel Column Headers Not Correct In progress
Posted by Ben Clark, got 13 replies, last reply was 25 Jun 2024 11:09:08 by naaz hudson
question: PDF Formatting
Posted by Jennifer Gibson, got 10 replies, last reply was 07 May 2024 17:30:23 by Roger Gallagher
question: Where's the MXP?
Posted by James Threadgill 01 Mar 2017 01:15:39
problem: Export to Excel - Overflow: 'CLng' - VBScript runtime error '800a0006' Solved
Posted by Gareth Tannatt Nash, got 28 replies, last reply was 18 Mar 2016 06:00:05 by william wakefield
question: Export error. My <DIV> not showing as an option for export (to PDF) Answered
Posted by Alejandro Mucino, got 1 reply, last reply was 15 Oct 2015 08:11:25 by Miroslav Zografski
question: image does not work
Posted by Vitor Fernandes-Neto 25 Mar 2015 09:57:03
idea: add text to PDF Not planned
Posted by Bart Van Sichem, got 3 replies, last reply was 30 Apr 2014 03:58:52 by lucy will
problem: Overflow error. Solved
Posted by Anthony M, got 3 replies, last reply was 06 Dec 2013 18:18:48 by Alejandro Mucino
question: Export to excel error"O verflow: 'CLng' /bluedot/ScriptLibrary/ExcelWriter.asp
Posted by Alejandro Mucino, got 1 reply, last reply was 11 Nov 2013 17:31:22 by Alejandro Mucino
problem: Old Resolution Not Found: Overflow: 'CLng'
Posted by Duane Hume, got 1 reply, last reply was 15 Oct 2013 14:25:02 by Duane Hume
problem: Requirements for extension include CS5... Solved
Posted by Duane Hume, got 3 replies, last reply was 13 Oct 2013 21:17:50 by Duane Hume
problem: CS5.5 - PROBLEM - When trying to add UDE from Behaviors it says a recordset must exist. In progress
Posted by Johnathan Whitt, got 1 reply, last reply was 15 May 2013 07:46:37 by Miroslav Zografski
problem: Export to .csv saves file as udeJSON.asp, no matter what name is input in the Filename box. Under investigation
Posted by Maria Mezquita, got 4 replies, last reply was 14 May 2013 15:57:59 by Adam Reed
problem: Big Excel export doesn't work
Posted by Jerry Smith, got 10 replies, last reply was 28 Mar 2013 07:49:34 by Vulcho Vulev
problem: Visualization problem Solved
Posted by Francesco Zenere, got 6 replies, last reply was 27 Nov 2012 07:30:50 by Francesco Zenere
problem: Export of large set of data only hangs and page eventually freezes. THen I need to restart IE Solved
Posted by Johnathan Whitt, got 3 replies, last reply was 11 Jul 2012 14:49:00 by Vulcho Vulev
idea: Can this extension be used with ASP.Net? Under consideration
Posted by Sam Bisignano, got 1 reply, last reply was 21 May 2012 06:23:11 by Vulcho Vulev
question: export to *.csv - strange characters Answered
Posted by MX Addict, got 4 replies, last reply was 16 May 2012 07:41:51 by MX Addict
problem: Interface several extensions meshed up Solved
Posted by MX Addict, got 2 replies, last reply was 15 May 2012 08:44:34 by MX Addict
question: Allow export to .xlsx Answered
Posted by Michelle Pasquale, got 1 reply, last reply was 11 May 2012 06:37:36 by Miroslav Zografski
question: Paragraph formatting
Posted by Ed Stewart, got 2 replies, last reply was 09 Jul 2012 12:02:18 by Ed Stewart
question: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9' on Excel export
Posted by Paolo Cognetti, got 8 replies, last reply was 19 Apr 2012 12:07:11 by Paolo Cognetti
problem: Incorrect data in Excel export Under investigation
Posted by Bart Garner, got 7 replies, last reply was 12 May 2012 07:44:50 by christian verdirame
question: UDE ASP. Data either never is saved or the page errors out. Answered
Posted by Johnathan Whitt, got 1 reply, last reply was 14 May 2012 20:34:25 by Johnathan Whitt