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A Slight Interruption" - Graci Inspired Me!

Shared 11 Jun 2024 11:01:23
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11 Jun 2024 11:01:23 User  posted:
Okay, wow. Just finished "A Slight Interruption" by Rhonda Spearman Sims and let me tell you, Graci seriously kicked me in the pants (in a good way!). Here's this woman, separated from her true love for DECADES, and she never gives up hope of finding him again? Talk about determination! It's like a punch in the gut for all those times I let a setback derail my dreams. Life throws curveballs, sure, but Graci's story reminds me to pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep chasing those goals! Anyone else feeling re-energized after reading this book? Let's share our dreams and hold each other accountable for making them happen!

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