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Seeking DevOps Wisdom

Shared 14 Dec 2023 12:22:05
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14 Dec 2023 12:22:05 Habriel Fring posted:
As the lead dev at a growing startup, I'm struggling to wrap my head around effective DevOps workflows to allow faster and smoother app deployments. We want to implement CI/CD best practices but it often feels like an alphabet soup! Can anyone suggest their go-to blog or resource for digestible insights into DevOps collaboration strategies, tooling explanations and real-world advice? Eager to level up skills to reduce deployment headaches so we can get back to developing our social networking app without infrastructure strains and pains!


Replied 14 Dec 2023 13:55:18
14 Dec 2023 13:55:18 Jordi Bennedict replied:
Hi there, I feel your pain. DevOps can be a daunting and confusing topic, especially for startups that have limited time and resources. I was in a similar boat a few years ago, when I was leading a dev team for a fintech app that had a lot of complex features and integrations.

We wanted to adopt CI/CD best practices, but we didn't know where to start or what tools to use. We wasted a lot of time and money on trial and error, and we still faced a lot of deployment issues and bugs.

That's when I stumbled upon Best Devops Practice It's a blog that covers everything you need to know about DevOps, from the basics to the advanced topics. It explains the concepts, the benefits, the challenges, and the solutions in a clear and concise way. It also provides real-world examples and case studies of how DevOps can help businesses achieve their goals.

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