Advanced Tooltips Support Product Page
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Just installed - tooltips not working at all
Reported 24 Oct 2014 16:50:24
has this problem
24 Oct 2014 16:50:24 Steve Skinner posted:
Bare-bones test
I followed the steps exactly in the basic usage video, and have ensured that all files have been updated and uploaded to the server. The tooltip doesn't work at all.
I also noticed that even though I selected the blue style for the tooltips, the extension did not insert any lines of code for the blue.css file in the Styles folder.
What's going on with this? Why isn't it working?
Replied 24 Oct 2014 20:39:28
24 Oct 2014 20:39:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Steve,
The tooltips js file on your server is really old version. Please make sure to download and install the latest one, and when apply it make sure to upload the scriptilibrary folder to your server.
The tooltips js file on your server is really old version. Please make sure to download and install the latest one, and when apply it make sure to upload the scriptilibrary folder to your server.
Replied 24 Oct 2014 21:51:24
24 Oct 2014 21:51:24 Steve Skinner replied:
That's weird because I installed the extension today, although it was on the site from when I had used it before long ago. I hadn't had it installed since I've been using Dreamweaver CC.
Shouldn't the file have been updated, when I inserted it on the page? Anyway, I deleted it from the site and then recreated the tooltip so the extension could copy-in the new tooltips.js file. It worked after that.
Shouldn't the file have been updated, when I inserted it on the page? Anyway, I deleted it from the site and then recreated the tooltip so the extension could copy-in the new tooltips.js file. It worked after that.
Replied 27 Oct 2014 09:16:44
27 Oct 2014 09:16:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Steve,
The file is surely update locally.. you need to make sure to upload the newly generated files to your server
The file is surely update locally.. you need to make sure to upload the newly generated files to your server