Advanced Tooltips Support Product Page
Effect duration and delay?
Reported 14 years ago
has this problem
14 years ago David Stoltz posted:
I want the tooltip to disappear immediately when my mouse is moved away. I have the effect duration and delay both set to zero, effect set to normal, and easing set to linear.No matter what I try, it still has a delay from disappearing.
Is there a solution?
Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago George Petrov replied:
Hi Dave,
Well the delay options you see are actually only for the *show* tooltip effect, so if you need to close it directly just add the "Hide Advanced Tooltip" behavior on mouseout.
There you have delay which you can set to 0 milliseconds.
Well the delay options you see are actually only for the *show* tooltip effect, so if you need to close it directly just add the "Hide Advanced Tooltip" behavior on mouseout.
There you have delay which you can set to 0 milliseconds.
Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago David Stoltz replied:
I did that, but now when I hover over it, it "flashes" on and off rapidly. Here is my code:
<span onmouseover="applyDMXTooltip(this,'text','overall impression','normal','linear','topleft','out',0,0,'never','white',false,'','',0,0,'auto','auto','auto','auto')" onmouseout="hideDmxTooltip(0)"><a href="#">Q1</a></span>
I'm using the latest version. I tried different values for the SHOW behavior, doesn't seem to help.
I did that, but now when I hover over it, it "flashes" on and off rapidly. Here is my code:
<span onmouseover="applyDMXTooltip(this,'text','overall impression','normal','linear','topleft','out',0,0,'never','white',false,'','',0,0,'auto','auto','auto','auto')" onmouseout="hideDmxTooltip(0)"><a href="#">Q1</a></span>
I'm using the latest version. I tried different values for the SHOW behavior, doesn't seem to help.
Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago David Stoltz replied:
Ok, I switch the SPAN to an image an this works much better...
Replied 14 years ago
14 years ago George Petrov replied:
Yes better - otherwise you can also introduce some minor delays so it won't flicker.