Advanced Multi Uploader Support Product Page
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I had a user submitting me an issue on Windows.
Reported 03 Apr 2012 07:38:47
has this problem
03 Apr 2012 07:38:47 Alex Crousset posted:
Ever had this?Hi guys;
You have been doing a great job with the site, I would like it grows and get better everyday so, that's why I send u this little report of a little bug.
I tried to upload a new profile picture when I was registering, but when the app opens the window to pick it, something happens that it doesn't fetch the thumbs for the pictures.
Please see following screenshot:
Replied 03 Apr 2012 07:43:26
03 Apr 2012 07:43:26 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Steven.
Can you tell your user to try to clear the browser cache and try again ? Also can you tell him to provide a little bit more detailed information about the browser version.
Best regards : Vulcho.
P.s. Your site is looking great
Can you tell your user to try to clear the browser cache and try again ? Also can you tell him to provide a little bit more detailed information about the browser version.
Best regards : Vulcho.
P.s. Your site is looking great

Replied 03 Apr 2012 07:56:45
03 Apr 2012 07:56:45 Alex Crousset replied:
Forgot this: This was on Windows 7 ultimate, Firefox 11.
Replied 03 Apr 2012 08:00:38
03 Apr 2012 08:00:38 Alex Crousset replied:
And THX for the good words on the site! 
Site is using at least 4 to 5 DMX extensions!
Soon coming with Google directions!
Had great support all over the dev process so THX again!
You, Miro...

Site is using at least 4 to 5 DMX extensions!

Soon coming with Google directions!
Had great support all over the dev process so THX again!
You, Miro...

Replied 03 Apr 2012 10:31:09
03 Apr 2012 10:31:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Steven,
Unfortunately this window is not a part of our extension - it is a browser window, so there must be a problem with the browser on this machine.
Unfortunately this window is not a part of our extension - it is a browser window, so there must be a problem with the browser on this machine.
Replied 04 Apr 2012 00:51:04
04 Apr 2012 00:51:04 Alex Crousset replied:
I think so 2 now.
By following up with the client it was all ok the next day.
Thank you and this ticket can be close!
By following up with the client it was all ok the next day.
Thank you and this ticket can be close!