Advanced Multi Uploader Support Product Page
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Problem with ThePath of Advanced Multi Uploader - RESOLVED
Reported 23 Dec 2009 17:19:51
has this problem
23 Dec 2009 17:19:51 Automotive S.r.l. Automotive S.r.l. posted:
Hi all.I use this component in a page test.aspx. The component works correcty and upload the files on the server in the Folder defines in the Property "ThePath".
I need server side to create a new Folder and use it. So I set the new Directory like a value of Property "ThePath".
This is the code I use and does not work.
string repository = Server.MapPath("repository"

repository = repository + @"\" + Session["IdOperatore"].ToString();
if (!Directory.Exists(repository))
pfu.ThePath = pfu.ThePath + "/" + Session["IdOperatore"].ToString();
I need help.
Thanks in advance.
Replied 29 Dec 2009 13:45:42
29 Dec 2009 13:45:42 Automotive S.r.l. Automotive S.r.l. replied:
The problem is resolved with the version 103.
Replied 04 Jan 2010 20:31:47
04 Jan 2010 20:31:47 Patrick Julicher replied:
Hi and a Happy New Year,
Thanks for the feedback. Good to hear you got it solved!
Kind regards, Patrick
Thanks for the feedback. Good to hear you got it solved!
Kind regards, Patrick