Ajax AutoComplete Support Product Page

error message: please select you autocomplete object or select different insertion point

Reported 20 Dec 2011 13:42:10
has this problem
20 Dec 2011 13:42:10 Bilal Kuzey posted:

i get this error message, when i try to put in two ajax autocomplete objects in one html file:

please select you autocomplete object or select different insertion point

i want one ajax auto complete field for the start route, one for the destination and one map. next to the map, there should be shown the suggestions and the route directions. i am not able to realize it, and i pay for it please help me...


Replied 20 Dec 2011 17:41:08
20 Dec 2011 17:41:08 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Bilal Kuzey.

Can you provide us with link to the page in your question in order for us to see what exactly you are trying to achieve ?

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