3D ImageFlow Gallery Support Product Page


Can't install the extension 3D ImageFlow

Reported 10 years ago
has this problem
10 years ago Paul Studer posted:
Dear all
I've made an update from Dreamwaver CC 2014 to 2014.1. With this step I have to install al my extension new When I install the dmxImageFlow106.zxp an error message appears. 'Diese Erwiterung kann nicht installiert werden. Dreamweaver-Version 12 oder höher ist erforderlich'
What is the solutuion for this problem?

OS X 10.9.5
Adobe Dreamweaver CC V 2014.1 Build 6947

Thanks in advance


Replied 10 years ago
10 years ago Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Paul,
It seems you do not have the latest version of Adobe Extension Manager.
Please download and install the DMXzone Extension Manager: www.dmxzone.com/go/22670/dmxzone-extension-manager-for-dreamweaver - it offers much greater install/update experience than Adobe EM.
Replied 10 years ago
10 years ago Paul Studer replied:
Thanks, I have not realized that I can install the extension with DMXzone EM

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