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How to check if your speed is working properly?

Asked 04 Jun 2024 08:33:33
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04 Jun 2024 08:33:33 Vadik Vadya posted:
Hey guys, I need some help with my internet. Lately, it's been super slow, especially in the evenings. I can't even watch Netflix without constant buffering. I've restarted my router multiple times, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm wondering if my internet speed is the issue here. How can I test my internet speed to see if it's the problem? Are there any trustworthy websites or apps that can help me figure this out? And if anyone has tips on how to fix slow internet speeds, I'd love to hear them. Thanks a lot!


Replied 04 Jun 2024 08:50:01
04 Jun 2024 08:50:01 Andreas Andreas replied:
Hey, I had similar problems with my internet. Running an internet speed on speed.limited really helped. You just need to go to the site, click "Start," and it'll show you your download, upload speeds, and ping. I found out my speed was much lower than what I was paying for. After seeing the results, I contacted my ISP, and they resolved the issue on their end. Also, make sure your router isn’t overheating and that your cables are in good condition. Faulty equipment can also lead to slow speeds
Replied 04 Jun 2024 11:08:44
04 Jun 2024 11:08:44 Gail Sullivan replied:

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