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Understanding Ethical Hacking

Asked 22 May 2024 08:45:56
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22 May 2024 08:45:56 seven yevale posted:
Understanding Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking involves authorized attempts to penetrate systems, networks, and applications to find security weaknesses. Unlike malicious hackers, ethical hackers have explicit permission to perform these activities and aim to enhance security rather than compromise it. Ethical Hacking Course in Pune

Step-by-Step Ethical Hacking Process
1. Reconnaissance (Information Gathering)
The first phase of ethical hacking is reconnaissance, also known as information gathering or footprinting. The goal is to collect as much information as possible about the target to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Passive Reconnaissance: Gathering information without interacting directly with the target. This includes searching public records, social media, websites, and other open-source intelligence (OSINT) sources.
Active Reconnaissance: Directly interacting with the target to gather information, such as pinging servers or using tools to scan the network.
Nmap: Network scanning tool to discover hosts and services.
Whois: Service to query databases that store information about domain names.
Google Dorking: Using advanced Google search techniques to find information.
2. Scanning and Enumeration
In this phase, ethical hackers use tools to identify open ports, services, and detailed information about the target's network and systems. This helps in understanding the target's environment and pinpointing potential entry points.

Network Scanning: Identifying active devices and open ports on the network.
Vulnerability Scanning: Scanning for known vulnerabilities using automated tools.
Enumeration: Extracting detailed information about network resources, shares, and services.
Nessus: A vulnerability scanner to identify security weaknesses.
OpenVAS: Open-source vulnerability scanner.
Netcat: A versatile networking tool for reading from and writing to network connections.
3. Gaining Access
This phase involves exploiting identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the target system. Ethical hackers use various methods and tools to achieve this, always ensuring they have explicit permission.

Exploitation: Using known vulnerabilities to penetrate the system.
Password Cracking: Attempting to gain access through weak or default passwords.
Social Engineering: Manipulating individuals to divulge confidential information.
Metasploit: An exploitation framework used to execute known exploits.
Hydra: A password-cracking tool.
John the Ripper: Another popular password-cracking tool.
4. Maintaining Access
Once access is gained, ethical hackers aim to maintain their presence within the system to simulate a potential attack scenario where a malicious hacker tries to maintain long-term access.

Installing Backdoors: Creating backdoors or other methods to regain access if initial entry points are closed.
Rootkits: Using rootkits to maintain access and hide the presence of the hacker.
Netcat: For setting up backdoors.
Snort: An intrusion detection system that can also be used to understand how to evade detection.
5. Covering Tracks
To simulate a real attack, ethical hackers may cover their tracks to avoid detection. This helps organizations understand how to detect and respond to such activities.

Clearing Logs: Deleting or altering logs to remove evidence of the hack.
Altering File Timestamps: Changing timestamps to mislead investigators.
Meterpreter: A Metasploit payload that can manipulate logs and timestamps.
CCleaner: A tool to clean system logs and traces.


Replied 09 Jun 2024 04:50:37
09 Jun 2024 04:50:37 Adarsh soni replied:
Ya i have already created or using this roblox exploits with mod menu and advance feature

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