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Start a business in the world of cryptocurrencies

Asked 26 Oct 2023 17:27:52
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26 Oct 2023 17:27:52 Alexa Smoly posted:

I'm interested in opening my own crypto exchange, where can I find useful information?


Replied 26 Oct 2023 17:28:25
26 Oct 2023 17:28:25 Gail Sullivan replied:
Having your own crypto exchange is a very serious level, it will be difficult to create a zero crypto exchange right away, you will need to understand the issue and re-read a lot of information. You can start here https://merehead.com/blog/bitcoin-startup-business-plan/, this is a blog where you will find a lot of useful information about cryptocurrencies, crypto exchanges and business with cryptocurrencies.
Replied 30 Oct 2023 13:09:41
30 Oct 2023 13:09:41 Geoffrey Gerald replied:
There is a lot of information on the Internet, and the cryptocurrency exchange includes many nuances. But I would recommend starting with www.purrweb.com. There you will find many articles on the development of money transfer applications - this is directly related to crypto and the transfer of funds. You should also find a good cryptocurrency consultant and follow the analytics. In addition, your exchange must be safe for users, and you will have to try to find an experienced team of professionals who will operate your service. Are you sure you are ready to invest in such an enterprise?

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