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Who's having trouble finding a job right now, too?

Asked 09 Jun 2023 10:22:00
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09 Jun 2023 10:22:00 Noah526 Smith posted:
Who's having trouble finding a job right now, too? I've been looking for a job with decent pay for about three months now, I have a lot of experience in various fields, and I've already worked for big companies. But for some reason, I have a lot of trouble finding a job.


Replied 09 Jun 2023 10:59:16
09 Jun 2023 10:59:16 Liam Johnson replied:
Well, I have two options as to why you can't get a job. The first option is that you set too high requirements and no one wants to take you because of them, and the second option is that you just don't look for a job correctly. Maybe you need to change your job search strategy. Do you have a resume? Free Minimalist Resume Templates In Google Docs help a lot of people make good and quality resumes, maybe you have a bad resume or maybe you're not actively looking for a job. There could be many reasons, find what your problem is and solve it.
Replied 09 Jun 2023 11:32:58
09 Jun 2023 11:32:58 Frank Williams replied:
Well, I also had some problems with finding a job, but over time I was able to find a good job for myself. So it seems to me that your time has not come. You need to wait a little bit and you will definitely be able to find a job for yourself.
Replied 06 Jul 2023 20:17:53
06 Jul 2023 20:17:53 Tyler Jackson replied:
I'm not looking for work, because I'm already working and helping people online to create their resumes. I ask for all the information I need about a person, and then I structure it using the Oki Docs - small invoice maker/helper for you template. With these templates, resumes are very minimalistic and aesthetically pleasing. All the necessary information about the person is arranged based on the right principles of resume construction. That's why such resumes always attract attention.
Replied 23 Jul 2023 18:25:15
23 Jul 2023 18:25:15 Edward McBride replied:
What skills on a resume are considered the most attractive to potential employers in today's job market? Which of these skills are particularly valued in your industry?
Replied 24 Jul 2023 12:48:04
24 Jul 2023 12:48:04 John Skinner replied:
When you create your resume you need to be as careful as possible. You should not attribute non-existent skills and characteristics to yourself, but you should not minimize them either. Be honest and try to remember everything you are good at, what you have done in previous positions and show your goals for the position you are applying for. To favorably reveal all your skills use this cool guide on resume skills. It was ita information that helped me create my recent resume that my employer was thrilled with.
Replied 15 Dec 2023 23:42:34
15 Dec 2023 23:42:34 galina moroz replied:
It’s true that it’s very difficult to find a job now, but in order to get a well-paid job, I advise you to contact the company - https://www.lorservice.com/ and ask them for a letter of recommendation, because here I ordered such a letter and got a dream job . I think that soon I will earn a good salary and everything will work out for me.

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