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Speed and Performance of Routers vs Modems

Asked 11 Apr 2023 08:59:52
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11 Apr 2023 08:59:52 olya konovalova posted:
Hey everyone, I'm trying to wrap my head around the difference between routers and modems. My understanding is that a modem connects my house to my internet service provider, but what exactly does a router do? And do I need both devices in order to get online? I would greatly appreciate a clear and simple explanation. Thank you very much!


Replied 11 Apr 2023 09:30:14
11 Apr 2023 09:30:14 ger da replied:
Hello, if you're wondering about the differences between routers and modems, it's essential to know that both devices are necessary for accessing the internet. A modem connects your home network to your internet service provider, while a router manages the flow of network traffic between devices on your home network. To gain a deeper understanding of these essential networking components and their differences, I highly recommend reading the article "Router vs Modem: What's the Difference?" on website https://wallyhome.com/router-vs-modem-understanding-differences/. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of these devices and their functions in an easy-to-understand way.
Replied 11 Apr 2023 09:52:32
11 Apr 2023 09:52:32 ret ter replied:
I wanted to express my utmost gratitude for the professional information you have shared with me. Your expertise and experience have proven to be incredibly useful, allowing me to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. Your generosity in imparting your knowledge is greatly appreciated

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