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Is it possible to hire a game expert for a few days for a consultation.

Asked 27 Feb 2023 20:09:20
have this question
27 Feb 2023 20:09:20 Stella Stella posted:
My brother and I have developed a computer game based on the example of wow the same cross-platform. We are in the game a lot of folded, both financially and morally. A lot of sweat and work for his game. Well now there are a lot of new technologies for cross-platform. And we want to consult or hire a specialist in game development. The essence of our game is to stay alive among all sorts of ocean creatures. As my game comes out I will tell everyone, but now we need a specialist.

Promoted Answers

Replied 28 Feb 2023 03:10:12
Creating a game on your own and not prepared is almost impossible, in order to understand the basic basics in game programming, you need to study for more than one month, and then only if your head works well. I tried to create a simple game, but I realized that it was too difficult for me, experienced programmers are doing this - who have been studying this for several years, so if someone is going to start creating a game himself without understanding the basics in this matter, then I will say this - do not waste time and nerves, it is useless...


Replied 28 Feb 2023 03:10:12
28 Feb 2023 03:10:12 Omarta Kishta replied:
Creating a game on your own and not prepared is almost impossible, in order to understand the basic basics in game programming, you need to study for more than one month, and then only if your head works well. I tried to create a simple game, but I realized that it was too difficult for me, experienced programmers are doing this - who have been studying this for several years, so if someone is going to start creating a game himself without understanding the basics in this matter, then I will say this - do not waste time and nerves, it is useless...
Replied 28 Feb 2023 05:45:48
28 Feb 2023 05:45:48 Alex Novikov replied:
It is very interesting how your experiment with the game will end. Now the gaming industry is oversaturated with various games. To withstand competition, you need a very high-quality software product. To do this, you need to develop it and adapt it to different technical platforms.
Replied 28 Feb 2023 06:01:07
28 Feb 2023 06:01:07 Louis Hideo replied:
Hello, what a good question you have asked, because you have made me think that more than one person must need the same thing and when nobody asks it, nobody knows if it is possible or not, I will be very brief, if possible, and in fact that expert that you are looking for you can find it here moonmana.com/game-development-services/game-development-outsourcing/ you just tell him how many days you need it, ask him about the cost and once you pay it, he will be there the days you have hired him, I am sure he will be able to help you
Replied 28 Feb 2023 09:51:40
28 Feb 2023 09:51:40 Vlad Volf replied:
The new game is cool, I love everything new. And you can find any specialist on the Internet if you search well. Consultations can be obtained from any specialists on any issues, especially with regard to games. Now many companies are developing and testing games, and you can also hire a consultant.
Replied 28 Feb 2023 10:00:19
28 Feb 2023 10:00:19 David Sens replied:
When outsourcing game development, it's important to communicate your project requirements clearly and establish a clear timeline and budget with the development team. It's also a good idea to check their portfolio and references, and make sure they have experience in the specific type of game development you need. By doing your due diligence and finding the right team, you can increase the likelihood of a successful and efficient game development project.
Replied 20 Jun 2024 01:57:01
20 Jun 2024 01:57:01 Helen Dam replied:
Good morrow, dear confidant! As the sun casts its golden rays upon the world, I wanted to express my sincere greetings, infused with optimism, resilience, and the unwavering belief in your ability to slither conquer any challenge. May your day be filled with triumphs, laughter, and the satisfaction of a life well-lived.

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