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Asked 18 Jan 2023 14:23:21
has this question
18 Jan 2023 14:23:21 User posted:
How easy is it to use a website or app builder? Replies
Replied 18 Jan 2023 14:34:23
18 Jan 2023 14:34:23 User replied:
Flipabit.dev allows you to quickly create feature-rich websites with a user-friendly interface. Provides access to files that can be edited and viewed by anyone without the need to buy a license or create additional software.
Replied 20 Jan 2023 12:14:42
20 Jan 2023 12:14:42 Viktoria Morris replied:
There is a great way to understand which direction will pay off the fastest)) Just go to the place where the ratings for the most popular applications are made)) Frankly speaking, I consider gambling applications and sites to be leading - https://1xbet.com/en/ Yes, it is more difficult to develop because you need to take into account the large number of visitors and the mandatory addition in the form of payment gateways and security. But a huge number of gambling sports fans will help you recoup your costs very quickly!