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C2C model platform types
Asked 22 Aug 2022 17:03:30
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22 Aug 2022 17:03:30 Max Velin posted:
There are various e-commerce platforms that allow individual buyers to search for things they want and give sellers a space with a built-in audience of potential buyers. Which ones do you use? Replies
Replied 23 Aug 2022 07:03:26
23 Aug 2022 07:03:26 Nikita likvidniy replied:
There are a number of Internet sites that connect buyers and sellers who want to exchange tangible goods, from used furniture to artwork and everything in between. Many of these platforms exist both online and as apps and even allow you to search by physical location so that you can complete the transaction in person.
Replied 23 Aug 2022 10:19:57
23 Aug 2022 10:19:57 Karl Hennings replied:
've heard that there are even auction platforms. That is, c2c marketplace platforms online auctions allow sellers to post their items at a minimum price and then allow multiple buyers to bid on the item until a winner is determined. Bidding can potentially raise the price higher than if sellers posted the item at a set price, and bidders can potentially get a good deal if there aren't many other active bids.