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Asked 17 Jul 2022 22:25:25
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17 Jul 2022 22:25:25 God Bless posted:
Is tokenization reliable for data encryption? Replies
Replied 17 Jul 2022 22:26:55
17 Jul 2022 22:26:55 User replied:
Of course it's reliable. Even if cybercriminals get their hands on your tokens, the tokenized data is useless to them. Yes, tokenization solutions are more secure than encryption when it comes to protecting sensitive credit card data such as credit card numbers. A detailed explanation of why data tokenization payment is more secure than data encryption
Replied 10 Dec 2022 07:25:33
10 Dec 2022 07:25:33 User replied:
Technology is the study and application of new theories, inventions, and discoveries to solve problems. Technology can be used to improve the quality of life or even contribute to our everyday lives. I can say that to get briansclub more new skills for managing their online trade. Technology is defined as any tool or knowledge that helps us with our human existence; it encompasses math, physics, and anything that helps us progress through our existence in society.
Replied 21 Dec 2022 10:38:32
21 Dec 2022 10:38:32 User replied:
Technology, at its core, is the use of knowledge and tools to solve problems. It's about applying knowledge gained through science and engineering to make life easier for humans. Technology allows us to solve problems that we couldn't have even imagined before: I prefer you to get a node js developer salary and learn more new things to manage your development. Getting a plethora of information from around the world within seconds; communicate with others across oceans; connecting our devices and appliances seamlessly.