CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page
When you click on the Behaviors Connector icon in the Properties panel, does DWCS 5 and 5.5 crash?
Asked 12 Apr 2022 03:24:44
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12 Apr 2022 03:24:44 User posted:
Hi,The DMXZone Behaviors Connector is launched as soon as you click the blue paper clip icon, however DW is instantly canceled as a result of this action. Both Adobe Photoshop CS5 and CS5.5 are affected by this issue. Is this a known issue that has to be addressed by the programmers? I'd be grateful for any help you can give me, as I've been left without this functionality. Snow Leopard is my preferred operating system, thus I'm using the extension's latest version, 1.1.1. (latest version).
In the HTML5 Slideshow GUI, the blue paperclip icon produces the same crash as the red paperclip icon, which I learned only lately. Do I need to restore the complete system only because I need to reload the Behaviors Connector?
Not even removing and reinstalling the extension, play tic tac toe or deleting the mac cache file found in the configurations directory, has worked.
Your help has been much appreciated!