CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page
Protect images created in CSS Image Gallery
Asked 06 Apr 2013 09:33:55
has this question
06 Apr 2013 09:33:55 Jothy John posted:
Is there a way to protect images created in CSS Image Gallery from being downloaded. I want to disable the right click "save picture as". Replies
Replied 06 Apr 2013 12:39:53
06 Apr 2013 12:39:53 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jothy,
You can add the following code on your page, just before closing </head> tag:
You can add the following code on your page, just before closing </head> tag:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.dmxGallery').bind("contextmenu mousedown",function(){ return false; }); }); </script>