CSS Image Gallery Support Product Page

How do I center align the gallery?

Reported 29 May 2010 06:56:04
have this problem
29 May 2010 06:56:04 Jonas Fornander posted:
By default the gallery is left aligned. How do I make it center aligned? I tried editing the CSS but to no avail. The easiest way it seems is to put the gallery in a centered one cell table. However then the image title and description gets centered as well.

Not being the CSS whiz I should be, what is the easiest/best way to center the gallery?

Thanks for any advice.


Replied 29 May 2010 07:05:31
29 May 2010 07:05:31 Jonas Fornander replied:
This topic should be in the general category instead. Sorry.
Replied 29 May 2010 11:53:45
29 May 2010 11:53:45 Jonas Fornander replied:
Problem solved. Putting it in a centered table works fine and then left align the text in the CSS.
Replied 31 May 2010 10:18:24
31 May 2010 10:18:24 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Jonas,

That was the right solution.

Unfortunately there is not option in the CSS Gallery for centering the images.
And about the late answer - we work from Monday to Friday form 9 am to 6 pm GMT +2


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